Jim Jones was a sorry fuck

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Jim Jones was a sorry fucking bastard. His followers were sheep – although many were also murderers and evil, too. But they all did this in the name of Christ. And did Jesus save them from the poison Kool-Aid? I’ll let you ask the survivors who drank it.


Jones knew there was no god – he would have been exposed or hit by lightning for his lies and bullshit. Evil people figure that one out really quickly. The only other types of indoctrinated people who figure it out are the ones who study it and try to make sense out of the contradictory shit.

Jones knew his shit was up and he made the fools kill themselves. He really murdered all of them, but they deserve some credit for following this dangerous fuck. One of the indoctrinated guys that escaped left his kid there to die. The fact that he hasn’t killed himself shows you he’s still a sorry absent-brained fuck.

Jones couldn’t drink his own poison kool-aid so what did he do? Try to run I think but someone, probably a lady that has never been in a fight in her life, gunned his George Jones looking ass down. Wait. George Jones…Jim Jone…no way.


He should be remembered as a total shit head. Not “The Possom.” I mean Jim. He looks like he takes really putrid shits. Or took them back when he wasn’t busy rotting into dirt from being DEAD! Haha.

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