Suicide is for pussies.


Having a shitty day? Maybe its a shitty week or even month or hey, sometimes a shitty year will happen. What will you do about it? How about kill yourself!? Great option, if you’re a total pussy.

Anytime I hear about someone killing themselves because they got made fun of for being gay online, I think of this:


That’s a World War 2 image. Look at the shrapnel in the guys back. Your choice back then was pretty simple – go to war. That was the choice. Every single young man was pretty likely to be conscripted into service. That’s drafted, for you idiots. So until a few years ago, you might not live past 18 because you were in a bloody brutal war!

Now, the reason you might not live past 18 is because someone bullied you online. WHAT??!?!?!

Talk about a weak ass society. We’re really acting like it is a problem to have some softies off themselves because their feelings got hurt. Truth is, it isn’t much of a problem at all.

An actual tragic case of natural selection, where the cavemen were eaten by a TRex. They couldn't help being naturally selected.

An actual tragic case of natural selection, where the cavemen were eaten by a TRex. They couldn’t help being naturally selected.

Back in the olden times, natural selection meant that your ass was dying because you weren’t strong enough or fast enough or bad ass enough to survive. By the elimination of your genetics from the gene pool, those that remained would grow slightly stronger in future generations without your poor ass weaknesses there to hold them back. The species, as a whole, advances and becomes more efficient – like a wine that gets better with age.

In current times, we have people so week, they impose natural selection upon THEMSELVES. This hasn’t happened in history before. Identifying that their own self is too weak for the world in which we live, they find a noose or some razor blades or a toaster and filled bath tub and take care of business. So as a society, what should our reaction be? Well, whatever it should be is one thing but I can tell you what it is. People flip their lids and act like we need to STOP bullying and REACH OUT to people and COUNSEL kids and tell them ITS OK. Hey here’s a thought – stop raising your kids to believe hoax religions that tell them to hate people not like them! (It’s hate when it says to kill them, Bible thumpers)

Uh oh, I sucked a dick and someone made fun of me. Time to paint my ceiling.

Someone made fun of me – Time to paint my ceiling.

See, these poor saps find life far too difficult to take, so they try to guilt everyone else into feeling sorry for them in one last hurrah. The more guilt we, as society, show to people who kill themselves, the more it reinforces the idea that future “self-victims” can achieve the same results. Suicide is selfish as fuck, weak as fuck and a pussy’s way out. For all we know, this is the only life we get. Until we get to the next one, I’m not banking on it happening by killing myself here or suicide bombing someone. So why would you fuck this life up?

It isn’t just the kids that off themselves, either. Lot’s of adults do it. I recently read a story about a teacher hanging herself in her CLASSROOM. It pissed me off so bad at the bitch. What was she thinking? Let the kids see her dead body hanging from the room? What kid could be in that classroom again without thinking about it? Oh but we should feel sorry for her right? Fuck you. I don’t feel sorry for people, ever, because life is by design HORRIBLE and it’s all about trying to make the best of a really shitty existence.

We’re all going to die no matter what we do. If life was a video game, it would be one with a sucky ending. It isn’t that great.

A pussy. Also, I think he could have just laid the Apple charger cord over the bar once, since they fucking GRAB AND STICK TO EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH.

A pussy. Also, I think he could have just laid the Apple charger cord over the bar once, since they fucking GRAB AND STICK TO EVERYTHING THEY TOUCH.

But the key is, it isn’t that great for ALL of us. Not just one or two of you. So when you think life is weighing you down and you don’t know how you will go on, just know that there are a billion others who feel just like you and probably a lot worse – but they persevere and keep going and keep trying. That’s because they aren’t pussies. They aren’t weak. They aren’t quitters. And if you are, what good are you to society anyway?

Inevitably, someone is going to come here and post “My mom/sister/girlfriend killed herself and I don’t think she was a coward or pussy! You’re a piece of shit,” not realizing they are perpetrating the problem even further. I have sympathy for anyone who has lost a family member, all joking aside. I don’t have sympathy for the individual who put the family through those emotions, however. Sometimes, letting people elicit emotions out of you with behavior encourages them because you’re giving them exactly what they need. Stop. If everyone ever facing the choice of suicide knows that we won’t feel sorry for them or talk about how much they ruled afterward – but will always think of them as a pussy, it might pull a few people back from the ledge. If that happens, job well done, me.

This entry was posted in Things I Hate and tagged people who commit suicide suck, suicide, suicide is for pussies. Bookmark the permalink.

3 responses to “Suicide is for pussies.

    This book has an important message, it needs to be read and shared.



    What they are categorized as is the furthest thing from their mind when the mental anguish and despair and hopelesness takes over and consumes them. Something a closed minded individual will never understand. Unless you can personally and directly help and prevent this person from committing suicide then you can fold your opinion nice and neat and cram it up your judgemental ass!

    What you failed to mention is there is such a thing as DEPRESSION and MENTAL illness that contribute to these thoughts and eventual actions. Many have tried medication, mediation, counseling, etc with no improvement. Who are YOU to blow the whistle and make the call on their character?

    You may think you are helping by talking to suicide candidates with your “beating my chest hyping up the team foaming at the mouth football coach style rant” but you’re not. Reading this would only make them hate life even more because it reconfirms to them that people are assholes just as they appear and so is life and why continue to deal with it.

    There are not many people that want to commit suicide that HAVE NOT thought about how it would affect their family and friends and have held out for YEARS however sometimes the pain can be so intense and overwhelming that they can’t take it. Some aren’t as strong as you your majesty.

    So get a grip on your finger wagging and bring a SOLID universally effective solution to help those dealing with thoughts and attempts of suicide. Otherwise shut the fuck up and stop speaking on things of which you do not know.


    • Do me a facor and ahut the fuck up with this depersion and mental illness bullshot because not all people with those things do that just cry or go nuts and get it over with before going back to society people like you who overly care make people soft and becoming soft means that you will soon turn into a hippie



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