Who cares about Bobby Kristina? She was a gap-toothed crack whore.


In recent weeks, the media has bombarded the world with news on Bobby Kristina, the daughter of Whitney Houston who, for some reason, never got dental work done to fix the worst gap since Alfred E Newman. The news is that she did too many drugs and is in a coma. OK. Why would I give a fuck?

This chick hasn’t done anything except be a cracked out whore in her life. Who cares what she does or says or whatever! Her momma, Whitney Houston, was a crack whore. She is too. If she has a kid, they’ll be too. ETC…

Stories have come out that the nasty bitch was drugged out of her brain during interviews on television. When you can’t leave the house without being screwed up on super drugs, get ready because death is imminent. It is like Death has been cast on you in Final Fantasy by that Eye boss in the final dungeon.


See, the more the media glorifies these people who are complete losers and destroy their lives because they had too much money, the more it makes me sick. There are people in America that can barely feed their families, but then there are people with so much money, they can snort thousands of dollars a second and die because they didn’t know how to stop. Who do you think I care about?

Stupid outlets like TMZ, E! and anyone else dishonest enough to call themselves reporters have been covering this chicks self-induced coma for months now. Months. Because the family is praying for a miracle, even though doctors told them she was brain dead. Well, maybe they’re doing the right thing, considering there never was any sign of brain activity, even during her life. I just know so many dumb people that I wish I could pull the plug, sometimes I get a little anxious about someone making the call on a moron. I went to Taco Bell the other day and my order was so fucked up, I wanted to pull the plug on everyone in that kitchen.

If I were Bobby Brown, I would go back to singing about how the Ghostbusters are too hot to handle, yet to cold to hold. And if I were these morons at the companies covering this lady as news, I would just stop. There are many more important things in the world to talk about, like cat shit or a leaf.

This entry was posted in People That Suck and tagged bobbi kristina, crack whores, final fantasy 4, plague horror, whitney houston. Bookmark the permalink.

One response to “Who cares about Bobby Kristina? She was a gap-toothed crack whore.

  1. America loves tragedy. I don’t even know what the situation with her, just that there’s a situation. I’ve been living in a bubble for 3 months now. Last I heard she was marrying her adopted brother, because celebrities do crazy things. All the media needs is some clip of her saying “Mama I’m coming to see you!” that they can play over and over again.



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