Facebook fucking sucks.


Everyone uses Facebook. Even the uncool people are on it. It sucks though. How has something not fucking replaced this shit yet??!

At this point, an old UBB Bulletin Board would be preferable. I am sick of seeing people on Facebook who are too dumb to be on it or old fucking people who die and then leave their page up to guilt everyone about not going to their funeral. Listen, when you see you’re going into the hospital, deactivate that shit.

I’m sick of the site itself though and everything about the brand. On the site, you want to die anytime you have it open because they’re sending you negative news all of the time. If that doesn’t do you in, you can’t put your mouse pointer ANYFUCKINGWHERE because it opens up some additional box, window or dialogue that takes your typing away. So you must sit there with a mouse pointer over your shit.


The messages suck. It’s like a child programmed that area. You’ll see the notification for a new reply but can’t see it in the conversation window you have open.

The app? Longest loading times ever and there must be at least 9 gigs of RAM required to run it for every letter you type. Unreliable. Doesn’t show messages half of the time. I HATE that you have to use a separate app for messages. Whats up with that inconsiderate shit, Fuckerberg?

Oh, speaking of FuckfaceBerg, he doesn’t give a shit anymore and it is clear. His censors will delete pages talking about atheistic material, which is great for all of humanity, but someone can post a picture of a fucking shit in the floor and they think it’s fine. Facebook censorship is the dumbest single entity online in any major platform.

MySpace is better than this shit. At this point, I am ready to vote that we go back to MySpace. See what I did with the S?

I sent this guy so many hateful messages. Fuck you Tom, I'm not your friend and never have been!

I sent this guy so many hateful messages. Fuck you Tom, I’m not your friend and never have been!

Oh yeah, I hate getting game invites non stop. The feature to cancel all invites either is bullshit or works selectively, because I get several a day from disabled people I haven’t yet had the heart to friend delete.

I also hate how basically, Facebook ends up being just news stations posting their shit all in your face. I read nothing but news all day in my feed one morning. Of course, I have hidden a lot of idiots who post stupid Bible memes or whatever else they’re trying to absolve themselves of guilt with that day for being a whore.

Facebook takes up too much memory across all platforms. Unnecessary memory. It also doesn’t offer intelligent methods of not receiving notifications past certain hours.

I just don’t like it. I’m ready for something else to catch on. Google Plus isn’t going to, clearly, and Twitter is unique so we need a new one. How about GenitalBook, where we all sort ourselves by photos of our junk? Or we could do one called Google Minus where it is the ugliest 1999 shit ever oh they’re already doing that.

This entry was posted in Things I Hate and tagged Facebook, genitalbook, myspace, posting stupid shit on facebook. Bookmark the permalink.

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