Most cops are just stupid.


America – a huge problem is that most cops are too fucking stupid to be given authority over other people.

Police in America are not intelligent, as a group. Some communities even refuse to hire more intelligent citizenry as police because smart cops make the dumb ones accountable and no one wants that. The bottom line is, police are fucking STUPID.

Why is that so hard for people to understand? See, Courts have ruled that departments can actually refuse to hire smart people. LOOK! What kind of bullshit is that? And you wonder why there are so many police abuse stories in the news.

Before anyone shows up here saying that “Cops put their life on the line for you every time they go to work.” – Police don’t put their life on the line anymore than any other profession in the world. Writing people tickets isn’t putting your life on the line. Working on a construction site where you walk steel beams 100 stories in the air is putting your life on the line. Being a cop isn’t even in the top ten most dangerous jobs in America.

See, America should get to the point of being the “Land of the Free” again. Stop arresting nonviolent people. Stop giving tickets to people who aren’t endangering others. If you see someone drinking and driving, log it in a computer and drive them home. It pings their insurance. If they do it again, the computer tells you and that time, they go to jail for a night and endure the embarrassment of a DUI. If someone buys (or sells) weed, they don’t get jail time at all. They don’t get a fine, because we legalize it. As for other drugs, case by case based on the science. I’m not personally advocating the legalization of meth or crack or cocaine – yet, I’m also against the arrest of any individual for the possession of a substance. Only for the sale of large quantities should someone be arrested and jailed.

Why is it hard to envision a country where we aren’t arresting more, per capita, than ANY OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD? Yeah, that is the United States, present day. We put more people in jail than any country, by more than 3 times the second place, per-capita! Here are the numbers.

America needs to bring the country back to being in the common person’s best interest. That happens when we stop arresting everyone for everything, make cops be polite and kind and nice to the public and stop hiring fucking stupid ones and fire the ones who lie.

This entry was posted in People That Suck and tagged cops, dumb asses, dumb cops, dumb people, police, police officers, stupid people. Bookmark the permalink.

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