I hate Republicans.


If you vote for a Republican, you’re voting for the most stupid, dumb, insane, war-mongering piece of shits on the planet. Odds are, you’re a stupid fuck too.

I don’t get why someone would vote for a person who wants to destroy the planet and give tax cuts to the rich. Unless you’re a rich person who is a sociopath, you don’t identify with this party.

See, most of the people in control of this shitty mob of rich people claim to believe in a god – they really don’t, though. Everyone who uses their brain knows God doesn’t exist and if he does, he isn’t meddling in human affairs unless you think he is a sadistic fuck. I choose not to think that. But what this claim does is give these people control over the mindless automatons that they love – REPUBLICAN VOTERS.

Republican voters believe in God, the second mendment, Jesus Christ as god, israel, john hagee, blood moons and everything EXCEPT facts and science. They’re too goddamn stupid to accept that 93% of scientists are atheists or 97% of scientists agree on climate change. They think that the world is in conspiracy to that degree – 97%. Truth is, only about 3-5 percent of scientists end up on a payroll and another 3% are just wrong. These aren’t from general scientists, either. They’re from specialists. The most fucking elite thinkers on the earth. IE – Not a guy from Mississippi with dreams of the South will Rise Again.


The Flag of Pure Idiots.


Even the Jews know Jesus wasn’t the Messiah. The Muslims or as I like to call them, the Dickslims know it too. But Christians think this motherfucker who never even said he was supposed to be worshipped is now God. You’re WRONG. The only problem is, the Jews, who are baby dicksuckers, are wrong too because the shit they believe in is also insane and crazy. The Dickslims too.



So Republican voters are as stupid as religious Jews and Muslims. Problem is, religious people make up the lowest intelligence-portion of the population. There are some decently smart thinkers who are religious but for the most part, there aren’t.

The smart ones are also so hindered by God-brain, they’re unable to see clearly, such as in the science aspect.

George W. Bush invaded Iraq and murdered 1 million innocent Iraqis over WMDs that did not exist. He said God told him to. That’s why this blind portion of the population idolizes him to this very day and want to elect his goddamn brother to office. Forget that the family put Hitler into power with money.

Some Republicans, like Michelle Bachmann, are legitimately insane. Sarah Palin is also so dumb, she would fail a blood test. So you can’t truly say ALL of them are deliberately lying. But John Boner? He’s a fucking liar. I can tell it when I look at him.

People like him would burn in hell if it really existed. They would be the ones who truly deserved it. The problem is that it doesn’t exist and he knows it but too many stupid fucks don’t and keep voting for him out of fear because their shithead pastor tells them to.

Republicans are the worst. They’re totally wrong on every single issue facing the nation of America. Fuck you if you disagree.


4 responses to “I hate Republicans.

  1. Republican and strait conservative are different… You sir hate not actual republicans, but the idiotic strand of morons that identify as republican because they think it is the redneck group but in reality they are part of Tea Party… They are idiots. The point about the taxing curve that you pointed out is going against your Republicans-suck-and-they’re-corrupt theme we want it to be FAIR… W


    • WE WANT FAIRNESS AND A FLAT TAX RATE IS FUCKING FAIR… ESPECIALLY FOR THE ONES WHO FUCKING WORKED FOR IT!!! I worked for my position, bad parents bad neighborhood but I’m now successful… Because I worked for it! And when some lazy fuck on non-deserved welfare takes my fucking money I’m pissed! I have a close friend who uses food stamps… SHE WORKS HARD HAS TWO CHILDREN and actually needs the relief… on the other hand you have lazy fucks sitting around “looking” for jobs and scratching their ass.


      • The whole fucking point of the US is to have equal* opportunity… Well oblivious that’s not the case… However when you make 4 times the amount of a person on welfare with 4 times as many mouths to feed (like i do) it doesn’t make any fucking sense to tax at a curve.


  2. I’d love to point out that some of the greatest minds in history were religious… Such as Einstein and CHARLES DARWIN… Do some research you fucking idiot.



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