Living with hell – The dark side of Hellbroke Lucy

What did I get myself into? That’s what I keep asking myself. Is this the worst mistake I have ever made? No. It sometimes feels about like it is in the top 10 but it is also an incredible learning experience in that I can see what I may have been becoming, to a really extreme extent. Of course, it isn’t just the introspection I am finding in the process itself that is matched. It goes so much further. A raging, literally, alcoholic. Totally unreasonable when challenged on his behavior – he can never be wrong. Constant self-loathing, out-loud. General lack of awareness as to what boundaries he should cross. What began as me doing my best to help, assist and try to take care of Steve McClung became a living, breathing nightmare that sent my blood pressure through the roof, killed me with headaches from stress and disrupted my entire life.

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Jim Jones was a sorry fuck

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Jim Jones was a sorry fucking bastard. His followers were sheep – although many were also murderers and evil, too. But they all did this in the name of Christ. And did Jesus save them from the poison Kool-Aid? I’ll let you ask the survivors who drank it.

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How I became an atheist.


There was no moment that I became an atheist. It was a gradual process – but there was a moment that I decided I was going to let people know…

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2 Comments Posted in Atheism Tagged atheism, christianity, religion, religion is dumb, the bible