I hate Justin Bieber

Acne-skinned, filthy piece of trash. Do more meth.

Acne-skinned, filthy piece of trash. Do more meth.

An overinflated ego, a sense that he is different from everyone else, a cockiness I just can’t stomach…that’s Justin Bieber. He is the epitome of the word “douche-bag” and I hate the guy.

I probably should have written this one long ago. Anytime I see this skinny, no-armed punk, I want to fight him. He looks filthy and unwashed (and his bad skin is indicative of that). He dresses like a total ghetto bum, too.



The Biebs, as he is called, loves to act like a dipshit in public. He has been arrested several times, because he thinks he is above the law. His stupid fanbase is probably the worst, too. Mindless automatons who would be great in the secretarial or food service fields of work.

Idiot bitch. Stupid parents.

Idiot making a mess all over the bed. Stupid parents.

He has a lot of fans who do that crazy shit, too. They should be committed and their parents charged with child abuse but cops are too busy pulling people over for going 50 in a 45.

Bieber, a piece of shit, has been in trouble in recent years for buying a prostitute to sleep with him.

He doesn’t care about any of his “Beliebers.” He hates his fans and spits on them.


He also doesn’t care about Anne Frank!

Fuck this guy

Fuck this guy

It is time we rid society of this little jerk once and for all. Round him up with a group when he is in your town and execute Order 66.


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