Hellbroke Lucy – Little Known Facts

I had hoped that I had put the chapter of knowing this lousy human being to rest, but recently, as I was sitting around literally on the phone with my mother, Steve McClung AKA Hellbroke Lucy called me, once again, on my office phone this time that rings to my house. Anytime I block him, he calls from a new number or calls me on a business line. It never ends.

So since this idiot will not leave me alone – and our local police are too lazy to handle it – anytime he tries to contact me again, it will result in something new being done by me online that reveals who he is to the public.

Today, I present some little known facts I was unwillingly subjected to, often in loud, drunken rants, while I lended this human a room to get on his feet (he is unable to do this, as he is mentally deficient).

Robbed a convenience store with a gun; convicted felon. Can’t vote can’t own guns.


Brags about being in a relationship with two women at once. It isn’t so much that he was, although it is still a little odd, but that he feels the need to boast about this.

So narcissistic that he believes he has a “gaydar” and should out gay people who are “in.” By calling him a “cocksucker.” Has no personal sexual inhibitions.

Was allegedly once jacking off on bread in front of a 10 year old. He discusses the accusation on recording.


Fawns over every woman he sees. Out loud, he will begin fantasizing. It is repulsive and I had to ask him to stop. He couldn’t understand why someone wouldn’t want to hear a gross desperate toothless man fawn over teenagers.

When I told him he couldn’t use my house as a shag pad to bring all of these women he drooled over back to my guest bed and “fuck their brains out” – as he once told a woman over the phone – and he said “I have to get my natural satisfaction from somewhere. “ and looked at me suggestively. I told him he could forget about that, and then the projecting-bastard accuses me of being gay.


I just want to mention, I hate people who bring up sexuality. Shut the fuck up about it unless you are talking about YOUR OWN. I love gay people but I hate pieces of homophobic shit like this low-life!

Doesn’t bathe. Wash cloths only.


Stated that his wife said he beat her and he “didn’t remember it” but if she said he did, he did. He’s a wife beater.

Stated that his mother sexually fondled him as a child in the bathtub and he remembered it and remembered liking it. Wtf why tell me that

Claims trying to work his way out of Arkansas. He had a job! Had $800 on his pay card and $200 in food stamps. Overdosed on Tylenol PM (almost a whole bottle according to the man renting to him) and hard liquor. He was in the ICU for a few days and then went to a mental hospital for about a week. His job fired him for no showing for a week. But he’s “trying to work his way out.”

He’s got zero coordination, trips over everything and walks around with the prison yard shuffle, scooting his feet.

Says Barack Obama should never have been elected because he’s black and the country wasn’t ready.

He’s about 5’6″, fatigues out every 10 or 15 minutes, physically minor.


Talked constantly about a “heist” or robbery or burglary of a huge amount of money – from a big company that wouldn’t miss it of course – so he could hide and never want to work again. This guy will not work.

Drank daily while he was here. Lied about his problems with drinking to me. Then lied about lying. Would become violently angry when I wouldn’t take him to buy alcohol (didn’t help him much, because I still wouldn’t take him. He is physically nothing to me. He would probably die by accident and not make me feel guilt over it.)


Mark David Chapman is a fucking fat idiot

fuck you dude

I was just watching a documentary on the murder of John Lennon. If they had done it like I would have, it would have been 3 minutes long. When they came to the part to talk about Chapman, I would have said “He’s a fucking idiot.” but they went into detail and it pissed me off.

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Suddenlink is the WORST goddamn company in America.


Just seeing this logo pisses me off.

Suddenlink is a cable/internet/phone provider to many Americans, especially across the South, where you get fucked over more than anywhere else in the United States because of Republicans being in power. Republicans never side with citizens against big companies. Ever.

Suddenlink, which has the worst advertisements I’ve ever seen from a national company, offers the shittiest service to its customers that it can get by with. Constant Internet outages, constant maintenances, the worst tech-support imaginable including tech service crews who are sometimes borderline retarded. “UUURHHH, did you restart it?” they will begin with, as their eyes are sunken into their head and half-closed, due to unawareness.

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Britt McHenry is a scum-bag bitch.


Gets her masters degree, still so dumb she believes she was hired for her intelligence.

Blonde hair. White teeth. The bitch talks about her degree and yet, those first two things I named off are all she is, literally. She is hair and teeth. So why am I down on this particular piece of eye candy? Because she decided to show what a truly miserable fucking cunt she was and verbally attack a parking lot attendant. Well bitch, you’ve just met someone who will dress you down so bad, your tangent will feel like a Kindergartener’s. Welcome to hell.

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Jimmy Swaggart is pure evil (if there is such a thing)


Jimmy Swaggart is the worst type of evil. He exploits people with religion while not even following his own lie-filled sermons. If God existed, this man would have been killed by a lightning bolt.

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