Brian Williams is a piece of shit.


NBC News anchor Brian Williams has revealed that he has been lying, for years, about being attacked during the Iraq invasion in a helicopter. What a sorry piece of shit.

I’ve never liked Brian Williams. He looks like a smug son of a bitch in all of his photos.


That’s enough to get me to dislike him, but you know things had to be worse for me to pen an article. See, Brian Williams is also a man who has a hard time getting the truth right.

Here is what happened. Brian Williams decided to inflate his ego and make himself sound like a real bad ass by telling people he was shot at (and HIT BY) a freaking RPG while traveling in Iraq during the invasion!!!!! What a crazy experience that must have been! Here is his exact quote:

“The story actually started with a terrible moment a dozen years back during the invasion of Iraq when the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG,” said Brian Williams. “Our traveling NBC News team was rescued, surrounded and kept alive by an armor mechanized platoon from the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry.”

So what’s the problem? ALL OF THAT WAS A LIE!!!

Brian Williams and his NBC “News” team were actually aboard a Chinook helicopter that was around an HOUR behind the three choppers that were shot at by RPG fire, according to the crew who was interviewed.

In fact, Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Miller even said to reporters that William’s helicopter never even took any sort of fire and only landed by the damaged helicopter from earlier! And the reason it landed? A sandstorm. HA!

So, you’re probably thinking “Well, they may say that but how could Brian Williams have simply made up details like that? I don’t believe it.” – Well, believe it. Because here is what he said:

I don’t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another.” – Direct quote from Brian Williams.

In fact, Williams has changed the story around for years, saying once in 2008 that he was in a chopper behind the one that was hit. He said he was in the chopper. Now, he admits he wasn’t in the chopper. Was he even in Iraq?

Brian Williams, reporting live as a US Soldier kills an insurgent 3 feet behind him.

Brian Williams, reporting live as a US Soldier kills an insurgent 3 feet behind him.

Williams has also said that he only got the story wrong because he was trying to thank the soldiers. Bullshit, dude. You wanted to sound like a real bad ass reporter.

So, if Brian Williams can completely fabricate a story about how he was under fire in Iraq, just to look awesome, how can we trust him to report news every night to millions of people?


I wrote a poem about Brian Williams. Read it here.

More Information:

Brian Williams Recants Story After Soldiers Protest

NEW: Brian Williams may have lied about Katrina, too

This entry was posted in People That Suck and tagged brian williams, brian williams sucks, liars, nbc news. Bookmark the permalink.

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