All Guns Blazing – old, fast.

Hey, Miley! Nope. Just her doppelganger.

Hey, Miley! Nope. Just her doppelganger.

All Guns Blazing for mobile and tablets sucks. It’s boring. Tap people to school them! Yeah that sucks.

Also, it has a poor ass interface and the idea that you can own one business per state is mentally retarded.

All Guns Blazing_02

The game begs you to buy so much, it makes it disgusting to think of playing. I’m getting sick just writing this review.

Somehow, Apple is either lying or a bunch of people are fooled by this slop because it claims to have a few thousand reviews. Bet they’re bullshit.

Looks like the most boring thing ever and I bet it is more fun than this game.

Looks like the most boring thing ever and I bet it is more fun than this game.

How can they not be sued for using Miley Cyrus, Analed Shortnigger and others likenesses in the game? They should be.

If you like poor tap detection, smacking your fingers into the screen over and over and buying things, heads up – this title was made for you

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