A collection of rage e-mails I sent to Rockstar over GTA Online (which fucking sucks)


If you’ve played GTA Online, you know that it has a lot of shit wrong with it. If you played it when it first came out, however, you know how truly frustrating it could be before anything had been fixed. Aside from it not working initially, at all, for most players, you could be griefed into losing all of your money or several other things. Well, to say I was repeatedly pissed off by this game would be an understatement. I actually found a bunch of emails that I sent to Rockstar, over this game, that you might find relatable to certain experiences.

Tone the fucking cops down online guys. I defend myself from a player griefing me and on two stars, the cop (in a car faster than my fully upgraded motor bike, good programming) runs me over from behind.

Cops might behave like that in the country, but they don’t have Lamborghini engines under a sedan. This is senseless.

Here’s a shorter one:

When you kick someone, they shouldn’t be reinvited by auto invite. That’s stupid.

I’m sure they hated it though, since it wasn’t a compliment.

Driving mechanics are terrible. Cars have no weight and slide endlessly. Cardboard causing me to fly up in the air says it all

Fucking pure death in the GTA universe. This is the GTA equivalent of an IED in Baghdad.

Fucking pure death in the GTA universe. This is the GTA equivalent of an IED in Baghdad.

A Reddit user got creative with an idea - but it was clearly overboard thinking.

A Reddit user got creative with an idea – but it was clearly overboard thinking.

Back to the emails. Remember – these are all unique emails.

You can lock onto NPCs but not players that are attacking you.

Did you guys play this before releasing it?


Guys, when three players drive up to me and start shooting me – and while my screen is focused on them, I zoom to aim at a chick walking down the side of the road doing nothing…something is wrong.

Here is the big boy, though.

You guys are used to praise. Too used to it. But I will begin this by saying that you got so much right in GTA V, it’s easily the game of the PLATFORM for me. Online is even better – except for a few huge wrinkles.

I recently was grief killed by a high level player with a sniper rifle – a weapon I don’t have access to in this game, yet. Each death costing me thousands, he repeated the act three times. I scrambled to exit as he asked me “How I like(d) that?” in English – but really bad, uneducated English. Why can a player kill me using those means and being that high level and it cost me money? Was this really a good choice? Ok – within 5 levels, fine, but not 30 or more levels higher. In the next match, a guy with a jet in his hanger griefs me. A jet. Oh, cool, so you removed the exploits but the people who cheat get to keep the spoils, like a fighter jet? Then I’ll be cheating, next time, if that’s how you treat those players.

Speaking of money, I realize that you say you updated this, but I logged out with 25,000 in cash and logged back in with half that amount, one day later. Is the joke that Jews run the banks in this game, or is this going to be a problem no more with the updates? That’s ridiculous.

I find that I lose my reward money if I disconnect from the session I was in when joining jobs before I finish and go back into the world. Players get disconnected many times and that’s bogus to kill an hour or two in hard work because you’re not crediting me as we go.

Anyway, final but most important issue – the dumbest people in the world play this game online. Sure, some of the smartest do too, but when every match I have EVER been in involves me muting one or ten people, I have an idea that can cut out universally annoying people –

When a microphone stays in use for longer than 30 seconds, mute that person to everyone in the match except for friends and people that choose to unmute them.

This would eliminate the people who lay microphones next to speakers and don’t use it – but are total asses. This also would eliminate people who think they should speak at endless lengths. Finally, when I do have to actually mute someone, it won’t just be for a game-experience-killing reason that could have been sorted out with a very-needed fix.

Hope you’ll consider what I have said and that I may continue enjoying what is otherwise the tremendously enjoyable experience that is GTA Online.

See, if they would listen to me, I wouldn’t publish articles about this annoying shit. The online can be fun, sometimes, but I’ll be honest – I lied when I called it “tremendously enjoyable” to try to get them to listen to the rest of it.

This entry was posted in Video Games and tagged ego, egotistical developers, fuck gta online, , gta online sucks, i hate gta online, rockstar. Bookmark the permalink.

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