Fuck you Keith Olbermann, you’re a piece of shit.

Sorry human being

Sorry human being

If I got the chance, I would knock Keith Olbermann’s ass out cold. I hate the guy. He runs his mouth more than anyone should before their jaw gets wired shut. He is also a sorry excuse for a human being and I suspect he’s a closet gay. Opinions are like assholes – we all have them. But unlike opinions, this asshole Olbermann got suspended for being such a prick, not even ESPN could tolerate him any longer.

I am not sure why but I think Keith Olbermann is in love with himself. The guy is a total douchebag and anyone with any sense of character would hate themselves for being like that but Keith can’t tell he sucks. He just continues to get worse.

That’s Olbermann giving congratulations to a bunch of students who, oh, raised $14 MILLION DOLLARS FOR PEDIATRIC CANCER. Think about that for a second. Olbermann is such a fuck, he is pissing on young adults who just raised money for kids with cancer. How shitty can you get?


This shitty.

Olbermann claims in a Tweet that he wasn’t insulting their fundraising – just them or the fact that they’re PSU students. How petty of you. When you critique people in the context of something helpful they’re doing or trying to do, it isn’t proving your point. It just hurts their feelings and discourages them from performing a great task for the community. So in other words, you just sided with pediatric cancer.

Now, ESPN got sick and tired of this bum FINALLY and suspended him. Well, not good enough. He is a piece of shit who needs his pink slip. Fire him. Please. But after he got in trouble, Keith decided he knew he was wrong all along.

What a sorry bum. I can’t stand this guy. I’m no Bill O’Reilly fan either, but BillO would beat this fucker into a coma and I would cheer it on. Keith Olbermann, you’re the worst person in the world.

Probably the worst Photoshop I've done.

Probably the worst Photoshop I’ve done.

This entry was posted in People That Suck and tagged espn, keith olbermann, keith olbermann sucks, msnbc, piece of shit. Bookmark the permalink.

One response to “Fuck you Keith Olbermann, you’re a piece of shit.

  1. Everywhere Olberman has been, he’s been canned. Even on lowly MSNBC. What a fucking tool to criticize Penn State alum when all they’re trying to do is GOOD! Listen here you stupid douchenozzle…for you to tweet what you did isn’t only an insult to those that worked hard and raised that money, it’s an insult to any normal thinking person who’s interested enough to do some good in this world. To think that you’d still be taking shots at a program that’s been through HELL and done everything they could to make it right…you’re just a bitter, lousy human being. You’re DONE olberman. I predict a fate like Salisbury for you.

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