CiCi’s Pizza is cheap and nasty


A $5 buffet and yet, it sucks a $5 dick. I hate CiCi’s Pizza.

The last time I went there, after spending 5 bucks, I ate the grossest pizza I have ever had. The place was loud and filthy. The pizza had flies landing on it and was stale. Some of it was clearly out for several hours. The fresh pizza was tasteless and bland. No ingredients. The spinach pizza almost made me barf. Their alfredo sauce is just chalky blandness. No quality at all!

Look at that idiot on the left, trying to decide which slab of dog food he wants. The bitch on the right is too nosey for her own good and keeps her head gawked over at him. I hate CiCi's Pizza

Look at that idiot on the left, trying to decide which slab of dog food he wants. The bitch on the right is too nosey for her own good and keeps her head gawked over at him. I hate CiCi’s Pizza

I copied and pasted a few reviews from around the Web of random Cici locations.

“the food didnt taste good and the pizza was old.”

“Gross pizza, tastes stale, the service is lazy.”

Shut up bitch, no one wants your pizza. No one will enjoy this buffet because it's CiCis and no one wants to have attention drawn to them. I hate being welcomed at CiCi's like I made a good choice.

Shut up bitch, no one wants your pizza. No one will enjoy this buffet because it’s CiCis and no one wants to have attention drawn to them. I hate being welcomed at CiCi’s like I made a good choice.

I can’t understand how a restaurant can be so dirty. CiCi’s should employ a full time cleaner in the evenings, at least. I also went to CiCi’s once during a party with a bunch of kids and they pissed me off. Fucking loud and they literally had noise makers. Why isn’t that illegal? I would snatch that up from them and tell them to get silent or I’ll get violent.

False advertising pic, they NEVER have food that looks this good. EVER. EVER. EVER.

False advertising pic, they NEVER have food that looks this good. EVER. EVER. EVER.

3 responses to “CiCi’s Pizza is cheap and nasty

  1. worst pizza ever…anywhere; it’s wretched and the cheap price is no come-on, it’s a warning.


  2. I don’t know why people waste time going to cici’s pizza…they have the worst most disgusting food ever…should have been called Sissy’s pizza coz people who go there are scared of going anywhere else to look for good food.



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