Hey Christians! After getting saved, did you ever sin, even once?? Guess where you’re going!

Uh oh its fiery burny place!

Uh oh its fiery burny place!

You’re going to hell. (That is, unless you stop believing in the stupid fiction of the Bible)

So hey, you’re a Christian. You were saved, right? Have you had a single, lustful thought since you were saved? Have you lied, even with good intentions? Did you go into work on a Sunday? JUST ONE SUNDAY!??!?!?! Well I hope you like hot places!!! You’re burning.

I’m being serious. Look at what the Bible says.

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left,” Hebrews 10:26

Now, I can show you a billion different translations of that but they all say the same thing – if you sin and it is not an accident after “receiving Christ as your savior” – you’re hellbound and you have to live the rest of your days knowing that. So, rape and murder time! Just kidding, people still don’t do those things without religion.

If you don’t think that is specifically the place we are talking about you going, well, just to be clear…

“but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.” Hebrews 10:27

What gets even crazier about this is we are immediately then told that The Old Testament is God’s law, just as much as Jesus’s word is.

“Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.” says Hebrews 10:28. “Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God.” we are then told in verse 29. Now, that actually sounds like the dipshit writing that it was saying since people were executed by man, how bad do you think it’ll be when you trample on the Son of God!?!? That’s more of a threat as to what moronic believers like himself and Muslims would do to someone they called a heretic.

However, when comparing Moses’s law and Jesus’s law, Hebrews draws a direct correlation that both were truthful and both were justified. I only point that out because so many times, Christians will say that The New Testament disavows The Old Testament. On the contrary, it fully embraces it and wishes for us to continue those traditions – EXCEPT for blood sacrifice. That’s the one thing Jesus took away and of course, it was because he “died on the cross for your sins.” Which actually is to say he offered himself as a blood sacrifice for the sins of all mankind – but only the sins that happened before they were saved!

Because buddy – if you fucked up even once since you “got saved,” there isn’t a translation of that verse that doesn’t say you’re burning in Hell!

(luckily, the Bible is fake)

This entry was posted in Atheism and tagged atheism, christianity, mistakes in the bible, religion, the bible. Bookmark the permalink.

5 responses to “Hey Christians! After getting saved, did you ever sin, even once?? Guess where you’re going!

  1. “Willful sinning” in this passage carries the idea of consciously and deliberately rejecting Christ. To know God’s way, to hear it preached, to study it, to count oneself among the faithful, and then to turn away is to become apostate. Sinning willfully carries with it the idea of sinning continually and deliberately. Such a person does not sin because of ignorance, nor is he carried away by momentary temptations he is too weak to resist. The willful sinner sins because of an established way of thinking and acting which he has no desire to give up. The true believer, on the other hand, is one who lapses into sin and loses temporary fellowship with God. But he will eventually come back to God in repentance because his heavenly Father will continually woo and convict him until he can’t stay away any longer. The true apostate will continue to sin, deliberately, willingly and with abandon.

    Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/Hebrews-10-26.html#ixzz3VidTd5T2


    • That’s not what it says at all and you’re pulling this interpretation completely out thin air, based on the context of what was written in Hebrews. I’ve seen this done several times, where Christians will say that they made up something I mean came up with something that clearly defines with 10:26 means, but they’re reinterpreting the Bible from what it OBVIOUSLY says.

      It says nothing about this only being applied to denying Jesus or denying that God exists. This is a statement clearly directed at all Christians who have received Christ – and it says there is no sacrifice left for your sins AFTER you have received knowledge of Christ, which I GENEROUSLY interpreted as after you have been saved.

      That’s the cut-off. Saying anything else is make believe or wishful thinking.


  2. Pingback: Why does “Heaven” sound like the worst place ever? | AnnoyedCritic

  3. Rom 5:8 But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us!
    Rom 5:9 Much more then, since we have now been declared righteous by His blood, we will be saved through Him from wrath.
    Rom 5:10 For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, then how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by His life!



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