“How do I believe in God if I don’t believe in God” Believing is not a choice.


Since when is believing something a choice? If I tell you I have spun gold for hair, will you choose to believe me?

One thing I’ve never understood is how people tell you that you’re supposed to believe in God. Believing something is not a free choice people make. They either believe or they don’t.

Perhaps it should have said “try to believe” instead of believe. Because trying would mean going to church, singing songs, praying, reading the Bible and with all of your heart, seeking God. I did all of that. It still didn’t work.

The more I read of the Bible, the more I doubted it was true. See, I guess if you’re a fool, you can find meaning in anything stupid. Being an educated person, and an expert in remembering quotes and examining the context, I naturally could not stop myself from realizing the absurdities, inaccuracies and fallacies in the Bible. Jesus saying he would be back in a generation. Exodus saying no man can see God and live then 10 verses later saying Moses saw God face to face. James saying we are justified not alone by faith but also with our works – but Mark saying its faith and NO works. The list goes on. I’m not making this up!

Believing happens when your brain puts all of the information together and comes to a conclusion that is the most likely, ie, most believable. The brain also dismisses the unbelievable. Having mistakes in the Bible that are so simple to see without the cloudy reinterpretation of modern Christians makes that an easily unbelievable story. No more than I would believe a homeless man telling me his mangy dog was my savior do I believe a 2000 year old book filled with incorrect details. Even if I can’t tell you for certain that God doesn’t exist, I can tell you one book that has two opposite ways to get to Heaven is nothing short of completely wrong.

If God is real, The Bible told us nothing about him. He would probably be furious that people gave him a gender, said he had a human child that was also him, said he wanted blood sacrifices, hated gays and wanted you to execute disobedient kids. Now who do we know that ALSO had a perspective like that, Hmm?


That’s not God you’re following. It’s a 2000 year-dead group of con artists who took their philosophical beliefs and imposed them on the masses under the fear of a MEAN ANGRY GOD. People were stupid back then, worshipping anything they could get their hands on! Now we have science and know why it thunders. We know why the Sun sets (not because it was MOVING around the Earth, like the Bible clearly says). We know that the earth wasn’t made in 6 days – for a FACT.

Stop telling people to believe, Christians. Belief of something is not a choice – it is a product of information that we consume. If you only consume information that reinforces the fantasy idea of a god, that is the only way you will continue believing it. If you begin to consume real scientific information and just read the bible itself and stop making excuses, you will then be consuming ALL of the information on the subject – not just what some cavemen wrote. Do you really think there is some witch spell you could accidentally read that will take over your fucking mind into not believing anymore? Because if that were the case, how could you even be punished??!

This entry was posted in Atheism and tagged atheism, christian, christianity, religion, religion is dumb. Bookmark the permalink.

3 responses to ““How do I believe in God if I don’t believe in God” Believing is not a choice.

  1. Jesus described the generation that would be current when He comes back. The events He talked about would all characterize the generation during His return and “This generation will not pass away till all these things are fulfilled.”
    You cannot know the day or hour but we may be able to know the generation.


    • That is a baseless and incorrect interpretation. Again, you are choosing to rewrite the Bible in order to make it make sense.

      “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” – Matthew 16:28.

      Jesus said that several chapters before Matthew 24:34, where he said “Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” I am not going to post the entire chapter of Matthew 24, but I just went back and read it and it clearly did not mention anything about a future generation or how this would be the signal for a generation. That’s just foolhardy. You also aren’t a prophet if you can’t predict things. I think that’s something God or the Son of God could do without saying “THIS” generation will not pass, following having told them that some of them standing there would not die before he returned.


      • That happens in the next chapter,literally right after Mt.16:28 . The Transfiguration showed Christ in all His glory and splendor yo Peter, James, and John.



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