“Being gay is a sin.” Is what the Religious Freedom defenders always come back to.


The debate always comes back to people believing someones’ sexuality is a choice, of course fed by the notion that “being gay is a sin.”

What your pastors don’t tell you is that it is a sin for a SLAVE to be resistant to his slavemaster, even when he is cruel. It is a sin for a man to rape a woman and NOT marry her, when caught. It is a sin to even have a lustful thought. Don’t lie and say you haven’t done that – lying is a sin, too. And the Bible commands you to kill any child that curses their parents – so if you didn’t, you sinned.

Not as Holy as you thought.

Not as Holy as you thought.

Will any business be saying they don’t want liars in their store? Will any business say they don’t want rebellious slaves in their store? Will any business be saying they will refuse to serve a marriage between two sinners or a sinner/Christian combo of the hetero mix? No. You’ve chosen a single, solitary thing that you don’t like and decided to pick that as a violation of your “religious freedoms.”

Forgetting about whether you believe in the Bible or not, that is hypocritical, selective and highly discriminative. Businesses in Indiana have already said they won’t serve gay weddings. Guess what? Gay marriage isn’t a sin, according to the BIBLE! But if you see two men having sex, you are supposed to kill them. Leviticus 20:13. The same book that you get the “abomination” word from.

I know a teacher who once told me that she sees 4 and 5 year olds that, while no one really knows for sure, are probably going to be sexually aligned in a different way that may be gay. They end up being just that. These are the little “angels” that people will assert can not yet sin. From experience, I’ve known people since I was young who had differences in that regard, but it took them until their adulthood to be honest about it. I hate that for them. I wish they could have always been honest and not feared being treated in a way that is just less-human. Sadly, I probably would have been as guilty as anyone because that’s just how people think, when they treat the Bible as the literal “Word of God.” That was me and it took me a long time to challenge that idea. Don’t think I haven’t contacted people and profusely apologized, after realizing how wrong I was. To any of my friends whom I have ever offended by telling you that you were “living in sin,” I apologize.

No one can prove sexuality or sexual alignment is a choice. Most of, if not all of the evidence points to it being something as natural as one’s race or gender. Why not drop it and stop trying to single people out based on prejudices? I, for one, want to leave the world in better hands than it was when I came into it. Maybe even make my descendants proud! But most importantly, not make them ashamed of who that I was for being so, as is popular to say these days, “backwards.” That doesn’t happen when we’re in the 1950s, refusing service to someone we think is somehow less entitled to equality than ourselves.

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