Cops are stupid.


Cops are less intelligent than most citizens. If you are a cop or a cop wife reading this, odds are good that you’re the only person stupid enough to disagree.

I once took several classes police officers are required to take. In one, I made a 107 in it. It was so fucking easy, it bothered me. I felt guilty turning in my test in a tenth the time as everyone else. That’s just the problem. Cops are not required to be smart. They’re required to be dumb.

Police officers can’t be too intelligent. If you’re wondering why, it is because the dumber they are, the less the think. Thinkers are a threat to the police way of handling problems, especially when you have one thinker among several idiots and the thinker ends up having to testify. If you don’t think this is real, people have been rejected as law enforcers because of high intelligence.

According to this story, cops have an average IQ of 104. I almost blew my lid when I saw that. That’s 40 points lower than I was tested to have at age 8.

So, we’ve established that cops are fucking dumbasses. Let’s establish one other item I have observed as a regular. Cops defend each other, including by lying. A cop will never write a ticket to another cop or an ex cop, because of an unsaid code between them. It is so overt, I was with a cop when he pulled another over for going 40 miles per hour over the speed limit. The guy driving the speeding car flashes a badge and that was IT. Game over. Corruption at it’s finest.

Also, when’s the last time you heard of a police officer investigating another and actually finding that he did something wrong? It happens – just about as often as someone wins $300 million from Powerball.

This is actually an accurate portrayal of the American cop.

This is actually an accurate portrayal of the American cop.

Now, cops are dumb and cops are crooked. We’ve laid down the basis for those two which are observable in the environment to me, much less to the rest of society through news articles and coverage. So what happens when you hire stupid people who cover up for each other to be police?

Cops beat an autistic man.

Cops tear-gas non-violent protestors.

Cops threaten to “fucking kill” protesters while aiming automatics at them.

Cops shoot a man who is unarmed for literally no defensible reason. (This guy was arrested, much to the dismay of corrupt cops everywhere)

Michael Moore, whose name scares people that are wrong because he doesn’t hold back from telling them they’re wrong, did a show about one of those towns that came out and said people weren’t going to be hired as a cop if they were too intelligent. Check it out as his producer pisses everyone in the town off, because stupid people fucking hate logic!

Cops think they’re smart. They think they’re bad ass. They’re neither. Most cops aren’t a single shit without a gun. That’s why they get their asses kicked anytime there is a 1 on 1. I’ve never seen a cop who could out think me, either. So police, everywhere, listen up: We’re sick of your shit. Quit being rude fucks. You should be grateful you’re employed, because you’re trained less than a hair stylist. You have the easiest job ever – sitting in an idling car. Somedays, you get to beat people up. It’s a cool ass job. But when you shoot people who don’t have guns, the public will turn against you because we know how fucking avoidable that is and more so, we know how unaccountable cops actually are.

Get your shit together, assholes.

One response to “Cops are stupid.

  1. It’s not just US cops that are stupid and suffer delusions of grandeur. It’s just as bad in the UK: most of them are crazy bastards that cover each others ass. Part of the problem is that they are paid too much, but it’s the cop shows that depict them ar intelligent and effective that is the main cause of the problem



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