A message to the Jessica Alba-post haters.

You can get over Jessica Alba and get over people with herpes. I do not give a fuck about either.

“Ah I’m so hot! I have sores from being such a skank!”

I’ve gotten more hate (and more traffic) from my Alba herp article than anything else I have written on this site. A bunch of people bitch and moan about how awful I am for saying something that is gross is gross. Listen, want to know something? If I had it, I would be big enough to admit to it. It sucks. I have had gross illnesses before, just none that were sexually transmitted.

That said, I don’t think the people are bad or awful or even gross. I just don’t want them to ever want me or touch me, for that matter.

All the people wishing herpes on me can fuck themselves because I used to be sexually active beyond what they ever were…but I was picky. I also wore protection. That’s the message of this! Don’t be gross and fuck without knowing what you’re getting stuck in your body or what you’re sticking your body in.

And to the crying bitches, fuck ya

One response to “A message to the Jessica Alba-post haters.

  1. Pingback: Jessica Alba is back in a new movie called “I have herpes so why do people still think I’m attractive” | AnnoyedCritic

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