If you watch Fox News for your news, any, you’re a total fool. You’re picking the worst of any major news outlet and the fact that you even use a TV outlet for your news is a sad situation.
First of all, this article is written by someone who had a successful career in television news and LEFT IT. It is the least intelligent way of disseminating news. So yes, these are opinions of someone but they are opinions of someone who has done writing, radio and tv and has a pretty good idea of where you can become informed the most thoroughly.
1. Internet – Get your news off of sources on the Internet and have enough intelligence to follow their citations to verify if what you’re reading is accurate. You can read at your own pace and verifying data on the Internet takes one Google search, usually.
2. Newspaper – The newspaper is the best form of journalism in most cities and states. If you combine it with the Internet, it could be even more powerful than number 1. The main reason is because, unlike a lot of Websites, it is more credentialed. In fact, newspaper journalists are typically far and above any other media outlets “news” people. There are a few problems, though. One – they’re often tied in with local people of power. Two – it’s a dying medium and they’re barely adapting to online. Three – No one wants their hands to be dirty for the rest of the day.
3. Radio – Radio is actually surprisingly informative IF you avoid conservative talk radio. NPR is a great outlet, most of the time. It’s on your iPhone. Rush Limbaugh is not a great outlet. Don’t ever fucking listen to him.
4. A Retard. – You can actually be better informed by a random retard telling you things than what is at the next level.
5. Television News – The briefest, dumbest and least qualified or researched story you can get in 30 seconds is what you get with TV fucking news. It is the blight of the world. It feeds the ignorant masses. I have very little personal respect for people who watch TV news very much and none at all for people who watch Fox News.
If you broke down number 5 into subcategories. Fox News would rank at the bottom of THAT.
Fox News has been proven to lie more than any network that exists in television news. Fox only tells the truth 18 percent of the time. You idiots, that means you’re getting 82% bad information! Here is my source.
Fox also is not news most of the time, but is news commentary, opinions or just downright lies in some parts.
Bill Oreilly is a goddamn liar. He is a buffoon and he has been shown to be a liar endlessly. He is so full of himself, the only person who goes less time than he does before making an ass out of themselves is Donald Trump. I think they’re friends, too. Everyone hates O’Reilly, especially people who work with him. I read Atheist in the Foxhole, and that guy, who was also an idiot, said Bill O’Reilly was like a PMSy cunt to work for. He panders to morons, especially OLD DUMB people.
The average age of a Fox News viewer, not joking here, is 68. AVERAGE FUCKING AGE. Old people are always the worst thinkers, drivers, cooks, not-breaking-their-hips, and everythings. Yet, there are lots of people out there who follow Fox like dumbshits.
Shepard Smith will try to be a voice of reason, sometimes, but all too often he is under the thumb of some mad conservative executive. You can’t buy his stuff.
Hannity. Please. He’s not even hiding it.
Greta, no one watches her.
Megyn Kelly, who must have an asshole like a bundle of grapes by now after all of the kids shes had, is 100% conservative and always has been.
I mean, I don’t even really need to make the case that they’re a Republican propaganda outlet. If you don’t know that by know, you’re probably partially retarded. Or…
See, Fox News is owned by Rupert Murdoch. For Americans, they don’t know shit about him. In the UK, this piece of shit bought up all of the news papers and turned them into tabloid outlets that wiretapped people and printed illicit, paparazzi-taken naked pictures of celebrities. Then, he decided to get into the news biz in the US and Fox News was the answer. Yes, he owns the Fox Network too and sometimes, they have shows that lean left. He makes money off of everyone, dumbasses. All good business people do. But Murdoch has NEVER been in the business of informing people. He’s in the business of being in business. He’s after money. He wants to get richer. Tax breaks for the rich. Republican agenda. Conservative news channel portraying itself as “trusted” and “fair and balanced.”
Fox News is the lowest form of news and media that there is. I’m ashamed to have ever watched it.