

The beautiful thing about the human brain is that it is capable of figuring, learning and understanding. Society sometimes seeks to restrain that with a thing called “religion.” Religion says that we don’t understand about where we came from, so we must have been made by someone. Of course, it never explains how that someone was made. By another creator? Or did he EVOLVE into existence? Because that would mean that we are just as likely to have evolved into existence and must then take into account which is more likely with what we know. Duh.

I am not dismissive of science, the scientific method or empirical evidence. When you can prove to me that something took place, I will believe it. When you can demonstrate to me or show me that not only does God exist, but he wants me to worship him, then I’ll worship him. That’s how chill of a dude I am! But if you come onto this page thinking I need to hear the Word of God or get in Church, that’s the entire reason this was created.

I was a lifelong Christian. For 30 years, I thought I believed in God. I worshipped with all of my heart and what I thought was my soul. But I never understood why it didn’t click. It didn’t feel right. Then, I read the Bible and realized what I needed to know. Here, I will share that with you. We might take a journey or two. And of course, I’ll be a dick the entire time.


Believing is not a choice.

Bible Contradictions Part 1 Part 2

Christians just suck.

Coming out as an atheist

God is racist?

Have you ever sinned? Even once? (The question is posed to Christian believers of the Holy Bible)

Heaven sounds awful.

How do I know I am saved?

How I became an atheist.

How to read the Bible if you want to believe in it.

Praying does nothing.

Stupid Bible Verses Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (Coming Soon!)

Ten Things Provably Incorrect in the Bible

Ways Christianity Could Have Been Better (Less than serious)


Islam is barbaric.

3 responses to “Atheism

  1. Pingback: 10 more things in the Bible that are provably incorrect or wrong. | AnnoyedCritic

  2. imissaitf says:

    God bless you.


    • Snake says:




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